Shadow Slave Novel - chapter 1962
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Chapter 1964: Nice Experience.
Chapter 1964: Nice experience.
At the column’s head, Nephis advanced with her characteristic grace, every bit as luminous as Sunny remembered. Filtered sunlight pierced the clouded veil above, catching her silver hair in its gentle rays. Her slender form moved with fluid elegance, softly draped in a pristine white tunic that caught the breeze.
Sunny’s eyes widened in surprise.
«She really meant it
True to her word, she had abandoned her usual attire. Gone was the gleaming steel armor that had made her look so valiant and knightly, replaced by the simple tunic and leather sandals. The change lent her an air of approachable beauty that drew even more attention than her martial appearance had.
Not that Sunny minded the change.
Behind her, the Fire Keepers trudged wearily, clearly worn down by the oppressive heat of their journey. Yet Nephis appeared remarkably fresh, as though she hadn’t spent days traversing Godgrave’s treacherous landscape. Sunny noticed curious droplets of water still clinging to her hair.
«How does she manage to look so immaculate?»
The mystery would have to wait.
While the crowd erupted in jubilant cheers around him, Sunny remained silent, drinking in her presence. Perhaps sensing his gaze, Nephis turned, her eyes finding his among the masses.
Her lips curved into a smile that stole his breath.
The crowd’s cheering intensified.
A rough hand suddenly gripped Sunny’s shoulder as an overexcited voice bellowed in his ear:
«Did… did you see that?! She smiled at me!»
Another voice immediately contested from his other side:
«Are you daft? Why would Lady Changing Star smile at you of all people? That smile was clearly meant for me!»
A third voice joined the fray:
«You’re both wrong — it was obviously for me!»
The soldiers’ enthusiasm bordered on hysteria.
Sunny could only grin at their fervor.
«Yes, I saw it.»
But he knew better than all of them.
His eyes followed Nephis as she entered the camp.
«That smile was mine alone.»
Really no one else’s.
Once Nephis had arrived, Sunny slipped away to the Ivory Island. With Anvil occupied defending the Vanishing Lake and Morgan protecting Bastion, she remained the sole royal family member in the main camp. Her duties would keep her busy for some time before she could retire to her Citadel.
Perfect opportunity for preparation.
His earlier exhaustion had mysteriously vanished, replaced by an energetic buzz that belied his recent sleepless weeks. Only the occasional betraying yawn hinted at his true state.
«What to do first
Sunny yearned to create a romantic moment with Nephis, but Godgrave offered precious few opportunities for traditional courtship. His knowledge of such matters was limited to vague notions picked up here and there.
The conventional options seemed simple enough — shared walks, entertainment venues, fine dining. Perhaps visits to cultural institutions or recreational facilities — though he remained unclear on what exactly an «amusement park» entailed. Any activity that let couples share pleasant moments in agreeable surroundings.
But Godgrave provided none of these. No peaceful promenades, no theaters, no restaurants. No galleries, no festivals, no performances. Their time together usually involved fighting grotesque Nightmare Creatures — thrilling, perhaps, but hardly romantic.
A frustrated sigh escaped him.
«Curse this realm.»
His options for displaying affection were desperately limited. Cooking good meals, offering massages, lending an attentive ear — all worthy gestures, but somehow insufficient.
Then his eyes flew wide as realization struck. His palm met his forehead with an audible smack.
«Gifts! How could I forget about gifts? I’m such a fool!»
A Memory would have been perfect. The oversight stung now that it was too late. Shaking off his self-recrimination, Sunny ransacked the Brilliant Emporium’s pantry before using Shadow Step to transport himself to the Ivory Tower. At least he could still prepare a proper feast.
After weeks of field rations and the sparse fare during their march to Vanishing Lake, she deserved something special. The thought made him chuckle as he worked.
«Speaking of taste… I’m quite the delicacy myself.»
The observation wasn’t mere vanity — countless Nightmare Creatures had attempted to devour him despite his unimposing frame. Surely his exquisite flavor explained their persistent interest?
So absorbed was he in his cooking that he missed the soft footfalls behind him. A familiar voice made him start.
«What has you so amused?»
Sunny went still before slowly turning.
Nephis stood there, wearing that subtle smile he adored. Up close, her beauty was even more devastating than it had been at the gates, sending his pulse racing.
Though perhaps his racing heart owed something to the awkward timing of her question.
He swallowed hard before deciding honesty was his only option:
«I was just thinking that I must be quite delicious… you know, taste-wise.»
Her smile grew, gray eyes sparkling with warmth.
After a moment’s contemplative silence, she replied in her characteristic measured tone:
«I suppose I’ll have to verify that claim.»
Then her hands found his shoulders, drawing him into a kiss that left no room for doubt.
His arms encircled her waist as he silently congratulated himself on his response.
«Well, I guess that settles it
They were clearly resuming where they’d left off before Anvil’s untimely interruption at the Vanishing Lake.
And Sunny couldn’t be happier about it.